Monday, July 23, 2012


Hello!!!! I haven't done a post in a little while!

 Well, in an earlier post I mentioned our garden. Our strawberries are pretty much done for now. We have gotten lots of yellow squash and zucchini and are still getting more! Fruits and veggies visible but still growing are: watermellon, lemon cucumber, cucumber, and tomatoes! We also have onions, but they are small.

 School is still going. I only have a little bit of Language Arts and some History left for this past school year  and then it's on to my Senior year!!

 As some of you know, I got nerve damage to a nerve in my leg last month. My physical therapist said that it (the nerve or a muscle maybe) is getting stronger. It's going to be a slow process to get back to normal again. But don't think that i'm crippled; I can walk. :)

 So, what all have you guys been doing this summer?  I know some of you have graduated; are you excited about no more school this coming fall or going to college?

 Here are some pictures!!!!!!!!! Enjoy and have a great week!
                     -Rachel :)


A gourd



Lemon cucumber
Yellow squash



Lacy and Daphney